Paradise Falls

Thompson Falls is one on the tourist attractions in Kenya. The height of the stunning falls stands at 74 meters tall on the Ewaso Nyiro river which drains from Aberdare Mountain Ranges. It is surrounded y dense forest which keeps the place cooler than any other place in Kenya. It is situated 2 miles from Nyahururu town and the place was named after a Scottish European and Geologist first visited the place.

It is a nice place to be as Duhf Photography had to do the camping and came up with these amazing shots from different angles.
Taken by an android phone tablet
Courtesy; Duhf Photography
Taken by an android phone tablet
Courtesy; Duhf Photography
Taken by an android phone tablet
Courtesy; Duhf Photography
Taken by an android phone tablet
Courtesy; Duhf Photography
Taken by an android phone tablet
Courtesy; Duhf Photography
Taken by an android phone tablet
Courtesy; Duhf Photography
Taken by an android phone tablet
Courtesy; Duhf Photography
